Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-19

Randy Orton gets a quick interviewq.fgff Jack SwaggerRandy Orton comes out for an interview with Matthews. He talks briefly about Kane and hypes up his match. Nothing special here, but I did love the camera angle and old school feel for his interview on the stage. They Mixed it up and came off relatively nice.

Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger def. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth:

What I Liked:

Truth looked good when he attacked Swagger and followed with a suplex onto Dolph. Ziggler and Swagger will make a great tag team, both cocky in different ways as well as athletes who are at the top of their game. I want to see them revive the tag division. It would be fantastic if they were given serious consideration for those titles, as well as making them more relevant each week on Raw.

What I Disliked:

The match was just alright here. There was nothing special or memorable about it. Ziggler needs more time in the ring, as well as Kofi. Those are the two best out of the four superstars. Didn't it feel rushed, out of place, and just thrown together at the last minute? That is how I felt.

Question of the Week: Who fills out the final spots for Team Teddy? And who is the last man for Team Johnny?

Grade: C


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