Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-19

In Ring Segment:

Shawn Michaels makes his way out. He says everyone is still talking about him being the referee. He says end of an era is just a code for breaking the streak. Undertaker comes out and says for Shawn to just shut up. Taker says the match needs to remain pure, but Triple H comes out right after he says that. They talk about the history of the Hell in a Cell, how they both succeeded, and how they will go through Hell at WrestleMania. Taker asks if Triple H is willing to put his family, wife, and kids on the line. He says yes. Before Triple H leaves, he says once again that Shawn Michaels IS better than Triple H. This pisses off The Game, which he stares at Shawn Michaels as Raw ends.

What I Liked/Disliked:

This was the least interesting ending for a Raw in quite some time. There was nothing new here that we haven't heard yet. Triple H needs to do more to really have the fans buy into him beating Triple H. Shawn Michaels still needs to take a back seat to the match, have Taker really begin to take control. He has been gone for so long that they need to have him be more relevant and not focus on outside factors. If they were set on Michaels carrying the feud, have him super kick both guys, gain some intrigue and drama. If not, let Triple H get the upper hand physically and mentally. He needs it. Also why not have vignettes or segments with the cell. Maybe next week.

Grade: C-

Raw Grade: C-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.

WrestleMania 28


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