The Cashbox: The Top 5 Characters To Watch On TV Right Now

#1. The Rock

If I'm given the options of a) The Rock, a little or b) The Rock, none at all, I'm taking "option a" everytime.

Since the match between John Cena and The Rock was announced nearly one year ago on the Monday Night Raw after WM 27, I give Rock a ton of credit. He showed up just enough for most of the year to hold our attention, and as soon as it was time to push hard for the big event, he's been available every week.

You would expect rust! There's been hardly any.

The Rock is a BUSY Hollywood actor. He's in high demand, believe or not, despite a lot of mediocre kid movies and inconsistent box office numbers. The fact that he came back at all is a testament. It's a testament to his love for pro wrestling.

The Rock is sensational. He's absolutely one of, if not THE reason to watch pro wrestling right now. But it's bittersweet, too. He reminds me of what's missing in pro wrestling when he's not around. It's unfortunate.

But I'm happy to have him when I can get him. And working John Cena certainly doesn't hurt.

Follow Chris Cash on Twitter @RealityofChris.