Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 3-22

Eric Young and ODB def. Sarita and Rosita to retain the Knockout Tag Team Championships:

What I Liked:

The only thing I liked was the dissention for a split second. EY and ODB are interesting to me, without much progression. They are limited in what they can be booked at. I have never liked Young, never will. He is useless and cannot sell a dime in the business.

What I Disliked:

The match was uneventful. No main points were hit, no outcome, and was a waste of time between these four. What is the point? There is no point, especially with Young and ODB. They cannot connect with the audience or carry a match.

Grade: D

Crimson is backstage watching Morgan in a commercial. He says that he will not hurt his career for Morgan's. Morgan runs at him and beats the hell out of Crimson until officials grab him off. This could get really fun to watch with the progression of character development for each guy, as well as what the payoff will end up being.

James Storm talks about how Bobby Roode was wrong at Victory Road. He says Roode is not a man, calls him out, but comes Roode's Legal Advisor. He says Roode is home because TNA is a unsafe working enviorment. Storm says he will fight Daniels and Kazarian, hits the advisor with a Last Call. Great promo work from Storm. It was quick and effective, further his beef with Roode, and made sure that people know who Roode faces. I hate the unsafe working enviorment bit though. It is Unrealistic and illogical.

Three Minute Challenge: Kurt Angle vs. Garrett Bischoff:

What I Liked/Disliked:

A waste of time here. What is the point besides Hardy saving the day? Once again, we get a No Contest, something we continue to see with TNA and their booking. This helps nobody each week unless it is used sparingly. Garrett continues to look like a joke, while Angle gets attacked by Hardy, again.

Grade: C-


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