Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-26

WWE RawDaniel Bryan and Kane def. Randy Orton and Sheamus:

What I Liked:

A unique pairing between Kane and Bryan, two completely different characters and talents. I liked how they exposed these two feuds early in the show, especially since they will not have much to do to further the angle on Smackdown. This is the perfect reason to have a "Supershow" so you can give all of your main talent much needed time on a live show. The match was solid, did not make any of the opponents look weak or useless, but gave Bryan a much needed pinfall victory over Sheamus. I've said it time and time again, Bryan needed something like this to give the fans a glimpse into the possibility of him retaining. Kane chokeslamming Sheamus was a nice way for Bryan to pick away the scraps. Orton looked great, while Sheamus and Kane worked well together as the powerful moves connected well.

What I Disliked:

I wanted just a little more from Kane and Orton, possibly an all out brawl where one man stands over the other. I felt like they rushed the end with them, and Kane was able to throw him into the ringpost. Also, I have to give credit to a friend of mine on this one, but doesn't Orton ALWAYS go into a match, the match progresses, and he "injures" a specific body part? The shoulder, the foot, every part seems to get focused on instead of the whole body. I tend to find this annoying and too repetitive.

Grade: B+

Santino Marella def. David Otunga:

What I Liked:

This gave us a quick tease prior to the match to make Long vs. Laurinaitis seem more important. The T-shirts, the flags, and the mascots make this into a more comedic, yet important match. Long and Laurinaitis are really good acting to hate one another, especially when Johnny fell down and tried to rip his tie off. I feel like this match has gained interest over the past few weeks, and that is exactly what the "go-home" show is meant to do. The Mixz attacking Santino at the end made sense, worked well, and they were able to easily add him on Johnny's team. I felt like Miz needed to make a statement, not be a last second addition.

What I Disliked:

I wish Santino and Otunga were not fighting, as we should have seen Ryder vs. Ziggler or even Truth vs. Ziggler. We could have easily been given a ten minute match with two of the better wrestlers on the team. Make the guys in the match just as important than Teddy and Johnny.There is so much talent that is going to be wasted in this match, it is ashame. Lastly, the match itself did not offer anything of importance or relevance. There was no actual progression, and was meant solely for the captains to be "seen."

Grade: C+


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