WWE WrestleMania 28

WrestleZone’s Top 10: Best WrestleMania Events

Number 6: WrestleMania X

Shawn Michaels

Two of the best matches on the big stage happened at WrestleMania X. Bret Hart and Owen Hart started the show with a clinic in professional wrestling. Twenty minutes, great technicality, and a fantastic finish in which Owen Hart got the best of his brother. Possibly the best opening match in the history of Mania, The Hart’s tore down the house. This started the pace, which was picked up by the classic Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon. Setting the bar high for every other Ladder Match, Shawn and Razor made new standards in gimmick matches. The splash off the ladder is burned in our memories forever, and Ramon would solidify himself as a mid card talent, while Michaels went on to bigger and better things. The Hart vs. Yokozuna match was decent, and this night was pretty solid for the entire night. It may have lacked memorable and meaningful moments in the history of the WWE, but it set the bar making the event more than a regular show. It gave us great matches, good stories, and other events could learn a thing or two from this night.

7.5/10 Rating


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