Mt. Killamanjaro: WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview Special

Randy Orton vs Kane

Randy OrtonWith only slightly more build than the Diva’s tag team match, Randy Orton and Kane haven’t been given a lot to work with. It’s actually quite sad, considering how instrumental Orton has been to maintaining Smackdown’s ratings in the past year. With how upset the placement of his match with CM Punk made him last year, I can only imagine how frustrated this must make him… He’s a great talent, deserves his spot, and gets one of the top crowd reactions – unfortunately Raw and all its angles come first. 

I’ll be honest, I’m actually glad there’s not a lot of emotional investment involved here. The card is pretty stacked, and WWE is going to need 3 or 4 “cool down” matches to properly space out the evening. Orton and Kane are huge stars, so WWE gets somewhat of a filler match to bring people down from a main event like Undertaker/Triple H, but also keeps the crowd intersted with two guys everyone knows. Win-win, for everyone but the wrestlers invovled…

KaneAce: I really enjoyed Kane’s attempt to get John Cena to “embrace the hate”. It was a fun story and it kept me somewhat gripped in the anticipation of Cena becoming a bad guy. I hear that if you know anything about WWE, that was not a real possibility, but for me it was a good story. Once it ended, Kane seemed a bit out of place, rambling through the lonely streets of the WWE universe, beating up wrestlers left and right. There was no real compelling story arc to explain what was happening, just some crazy dude beating up everyone. Then, Randy Orton shows up. My problem is I don’t really understand why these two are fighting. I know, its Wrestling, thats what they do, but I feel a big part of what makes WWE fun is the ridiculous stories and melodramatic build ups. I guess having two crazy guys fight will be fun. I just wish there was more to the story of why it is happening. I vote Orton wins, only because he is more straight up crazy.

Ken: The Slow Motion Viper taking on the latest version of Kane is actually somewhat intriguing on paper, or at least a scribbled Post-it note left in Stephanie McMahon’s office. But it came out of nowhere and had no time to build. (Admittedly Wade Barrett’s injury may have contributed to this.) Still Orton and Kane know how to put on a show, so they deserve our good faith to see what they can do. Orton wins, Kane goes on to feud with The Funkasaurus. 

My Prediction: It doesn’t actually matter, but if they plan on carrying this out to Extreme Rules, Kane SHOULD win for story purposes (Orton is a better chaser, by far). Still, I’m going with the obvious and choosing Randy Orton to win.


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