Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 4-16-12

CM Punk def. Mark Henry to retain the WWE Championship:

What I Liked:

Once again, this match was pretty solid. Mark Henry took the early advantage and still controlled a lot of the match. Secondly, Punk does a great job at trying to chop down Henry with kicks to his body. This is the smartest and best way to defeat someone much larger, chop him down like a tree. Punk also does a solid job getting out of the World's Strongest Slam to transition him to hit a kick to Henry's head. The finish was solid with Punk hitting the elbow drop with a chair, a sort of "Extreme" way of defeating Henry. It does not devalue the past few weeks Henry has, and also boosts Punk to look more aggressive and intense, something he needs to continue to improve with his feud with Jericho.

What I Disliked:

There needed to be more "no DQ" spots. I felt a great spot would have been something with a table breaking. Also, Punk and Henry fight again and, although it was good, it very similar in timing and moves than the previous weeks. There was no realistic spot where we thought Punk would love. Also, I wanted to see Jericho attack post match once again. I do not like the fact that he is on the Tron each week teasing Punk. This feud needs to be physical. After the match did nothing for me. What does Jericho spotting Punk do to further it? They already have talked about his family and their problems, but it just did nothing to further the angle. They tease Punk drinking by basically seeing him walk into a Pub. That is the best that they could do?

Grade: B-

Santino Marella def. David Otunga:

What I Liked:

I really did not like much besides Santino before the match teasing the Soccer jerseys until he got the right one. It was comical and got the crowd rowdy. It felt important from the beginning being for the United States Championship, but they were in England. So, does it really matter?

What I Disliked:

Not a good match from these two whatsoever. Missed spots, rushed outcome, and an ending that makes no sense. If they want Otunga to be taken seriously, they need to separate him from this feud. He needs a lot of work in the ring and needs someone to carry him for the time being. This feud makes little sense that Long is no longer involved, hence why Santino needs to either drop the title or find a viable opponent.

Grade: D