Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 4-19

In Ring Segment:

All of the champions are in the ring. Hogan is backstage and adds RVD into the match of Hardy and Anderson. Hogan comes out and says once a month, it will be Open Fight Night, where an outside talent will come in and basically be judged to see if they earn a contract. Roode interrupts and says to Hogan who he the hell he thinks he is. Roode says this is his show and tells the crowd to shut up. Hogan says that every champion will have to fight if they get called out. Gail Kim is upset, but Devon says he will fight whoever and testify. Hogan says change is here.

What I Liked/Disliked:

I am open to this idea, but how long can they go with it? Is there that much talent outside of the company? They lack some talent now, but some also do not get the attention that they should. It will be a fresh and unique idea, hopefully getting some Indy Wrestlers and ROH stars an opportunity to work their way up a bit.

Grade: B-

Brooke Tessmacher, Tara, Mickie James, and Velvet Sky def. Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Sarita, and Rosita:

What I Liked:

This match featured enough time for most of the Knockouts. All of them got involved in the action, and it was nice they were given time to do so. Sarita and Rosita are very underrated. I love their expressions and ability to sell with their mannerisms. Brooke with the victory does not do much for her, but it does give Velvet and Gail more to agrue about in the future, because of how she kicked her feet off the ropes.

What I Disliked:

Even though the match did not absolutely suck, it was not great either. They did not have much consistency between moves and chemistry was off for a few of the Knockouts. You can tell some of them just got involved for the hell of it. Is there more than one feud brewing here? There should be, but that was the main focus.

Grade: C-

Anderson says he likes Open Fight Night and goes on to talk about his match tonight.

EY and ODB are on their honeymoon. Young gets mad when he thinks a waiter is flirting with ODB. He takes off his pants, ODB calms him down.