Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 4-19

Opening Segment:

World Champion Bobby Roode comes out. He talks about beating Storm in his hometown and that he has beaten the best. He talks about how there is nobody left, no more of their heroes. Out comes Mr. Anderson who says he has not beaten him, and he deserves a chance. Roode laughs at his jokes and say that while he was home, Roode beat the best. He says to get in the back of the line. Out comes Jeff Hardy, who says he beat Angle so he deserves to be the next in line. All three men get in each others' face and Hogan says that Hardy vs. Anderson for a shot at Roode's title is the main event tonight.

What I Liked:

Immediately, you spotlight your best talent in Roode who is the face of the company. I really enjoyed his character and arrogance, and feel like his hair cut does good things for him to evolve into a company guy, one who is more than just a transitional champion. Anderson does a great job at getting the crowd behind him. His microphone work cannot be questioned.

What I Disliked:

It was forced for Jeff Hardy to get over. His voice does not do much for his character. I really like the work he does in the ring, but he cannot really talk to get everyone behind him. He is an acquired taste, and I just do not like it much. Nonetheless, the segment progressed the main angle and got the crowd interested.

Grade: B+

Bully Ray and Crimson def. Matt Morgan and Austin Aries

What I Liked:

A unique pairing here for the four guys, as Aries seems to be a face now? That happened rather quick, but I did not mind him teaming with Morgan. Morgan is a guy who is known for controlling the match with his physicality, but he was on the defensive for the most part in this match. Crimson is a solid mix of strength and speed, and connected with a great suplex in the middle of the match onto Morgan. Aries looked awesome tonight, exploded with each move, and was able to use his feet to knock down the stronger guys. Ray picked up the victory on Aries, which further adds to the angle.

What I Disliked:

Not a fan of the ending, but I understand it. Also, Crimson spearing Ray only for Ray to immediately come back and pick up the pin seems illogical and forced. The match was great, but the ending was rushed.

Grade: B


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