WrestleZone’s Top 10: 2012 Summer Feuds

Number 6: Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan

Two guys who are at the top of their game, Del Rio and Bryan are so good right now inside the ring that some may find this hard to compute why they would feud. Daniel Bryan SHOULD stay as a heel, but the crowd may not let that stand. He has done a great job with his character that he could be forced to turn face, much like Punk and Orton did in the past. I love the idea of him vs. ADR for the sole purpose of great technical wrestling. Also, do not be shocked to see these guys go after Sheamus, as a triple threat is something that looks to be in the works for Over The Limit or No Way Out. They could find a way to have these guys on opposite ends of a feud to really get the old school crowd involved.


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