Bush-League Round Up

I was amused (not surprised) to read about the lunacy that occurred at Shane Douglas’ Extreme Reunion in Philadelphia. No knock on The Franchise. He’s a stand-up guy, more so than most.

Shane tried to give a bunch of losers an additional kick at the can, and they screwed him. Do your job, THEN drug yourself into a coma. I do like the idea of Justin Credible wandering through the seats after he’d been drummed off the show. If he was looking to make a connection, he picked the right crowd.

Shows what a field marshal Paul Heyman was. He took bums like Sabu and Polaco, controlled them, and made them into marketable assets within the context of ECW. They were NOTHING anywhere else. I never thought much of either. Sabu was a stuntman on Mick Foley’s level, but with 10 percent of the charisma. Polaco was just some geek who made the right friends.

I wonder what Sabu’s late uncle, The Sheik, would think of him. The Sheik wrestled well into his 60s. Sabu got blackballed from big-time wrestling at 43. Know what it should say on Sabu’s tombstone? “He never really learned to work.” His matches don’t need referees, they need tour guides. They should have subtitles.

I hope the Extreme Reunion disaster finally puts the “extreme” movement to bed. If Heyman ever does get involved in wrestling again, he’ll do something different. The extreme revolution is passé. True revolutionaries break fresh ground again and again.

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