Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 5-10

RVDRVD def. Bobby Roode, Ken Anderson, and Jeff Hardy

What I Liked:

Good action from the top 4 guys currently in the company. I loved how Roode was made the target at the beginning of the match, but was able to step aside and take control with his own strengths. The main heel in the match needs to be the target, especially since he is holding the gold they all want as well. I felt RVD and Hardy really kept a fluid pace throughout the match, especially because they were given plenty of time to work. A great Rolling Thunder led to RVD being tossed out of the ring by Roode. Furthermore, Roode and Anderson are two solid brawlers. Even though Roode is stronger and more physical, Anderson is that scrappy competitor who will do whatever it takes to win. Great adaptation of his character and his in ring persona. The finish came when RVD hit his finisher on Roode, and pinned the champion. Great work by all four guys in the match to further highlight their feuds. I felt like this was a complete and dynamic match with a lot of great coming out of it.

Grade: A

Impact Wrestling Grade: B

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.

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