Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 5-15-12


Opening Segment

Triple H starts the show talking about Brock Lesnar. He has been hurt before, but says Lesnar has always been a quitter. From his first stint in WWE to UFC, Lesnar always leaves when things get tough. Triple H says he was on the rise, but did not want to stay around. Paul Heyman and a lawyer come out to confront H. Paul Heyman serves Triple H some lawsuit papers. Heyman says he is glad Lesnar broke Triple H's arm, and then he gets stopped in his words by H grabbing his face. HHH leaves, but Heyman said he assaulted and battered him, so he is going to sue Triple H as well.

What I Liked:

Start the show off with a bang. Triple h always knows what and how to say things to get the crowd behind him. Everyone was so happy when Lesnar came back, and now they boo him because of what he is currently doing. I wanted Heyman to come out and confront Triple H, and I got my wish. His sense of timing and what he articulates when speaking is fantastic. He is heads and shoulders better than almost everyone in the company when cutting a promo. The segment did not take too much time, and was very effective at keeping the story going.

What I Disliked:

The only thing I thought it could use was some sort of way for Triple H to tell Lesnar and/or Heyman to be at Over The Limit. This would be a great way to add a little extra to a PPV that needs more firepower.

Grade: A

C.M Punk and Santino Marella def. Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan:

What I Liked:

Great work in the ring by these four guys. Santino kept his comedic side, and was not overexposed. I felt like he is great in doses, and this was an appropriate dosage. Punk and Rhodes really do work well together, both guys really feeding off of the fast attacks they have faced. It was a smart idea to have Bryan and Punk separate, because they will have plenty of time on Sunday to work magic like we all expect.

What I Disliked:

I wish Bryan was able to gain the upper hand, and not be the typical heel that cowards away. That is his persona, but Bryan inside the ring with Santino should have lasted longer, really working the body and showing Punk what to expect Sunday. This would give him that "psychological" advantage.

Grade: B


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