The Cashbox: Booking For “Smart” Fans vs Casual Fans

I’m not trying to insult internet wrestling fans in this column. I’d be insulting myself if that was my intention. I’m just identifying that there’s a huge difference between the two groups and I can understand why Vince desperately tries to discredit our community.

Casual fans are simply easier to please. Internet fans expect much more.

Are we necessarily wrong? I don’t think so. First of all, we’re a powerful force. We’ve been one for a while, but it’s becoming more evident every day.

We got Matt Hardy’s job back in 2005.

We got Zack Ryder a major push (even though I never fully grasped this one…he’s not that good, in my opinion).

I’m pretty confident internet fans can take credit for “Yes! Yes! Yes!” taking off.

And John Cena? Well, that’s an easy one to understand.

There are countless examples, and more now than ever, but does it mean Vince should cater to us more? Not necessarily.

Not yet.

I feel the internet wrestling community is at a place now in which we can’t be ignored. If we want our voices heard, it will be. And kids and women are primarily the ONLY thing separating smart fans from casual fans.

They’ll “smarten up” soon enough.

Wrestling will evolve. It has to at some point. There are more fans of yesteryear than there are current fans. That’s not because it was better back then – no matter what Jim Cornette says — it’s because people are smarter. They demand more. Our attention spans are shorter. The “same old” simply doesn’t cut it any longer.

Technology is the sole reason for that. And the internet is the leading source.

Vince might not need to cater to us completely yet, but he should certainly start embracing us. We’re growing. Quickly.

I’d love to read your thoughts below. I’m not Mark Madden (which is another column for another day). I’m simply a fan, albeit one that writes for a very large website, and I’m proud to be an active member of the community for which this column was intended.

You don’t have to agree with my opinions, but don’t tell me that they’re wrong.

Chris Cash can be followed on Twitter @RealityofChris. Email him at be sure to tune in this Monday night, immediately following Raw, for “VOW Reaction”. Visit for more information.


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