Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 5-19

Cody RhodesSantino Marella def. Cody Rhodes

What I Liked:

Nice placed tweets before the match to hype up the US and Intercontinental Championships. This may be an addition to the Over The Limit card if they need it. I did not like the outcome as it devalues the actual WWE title and makes Santino look very strong. Cody is stuck right now with no mid card faces able to step up and develop a feud. The match was just okay, but Rhodes' dropkick was picture perfect.

What I Disliked:

There should have been some sort open ended conclusion so they could actually have a match at the Pay Per View. These guys could have fought for a little longer to actually produce a legit match, but they did not get that time. Is this the beginning of Unifying the Intercontinental and United States Championships?

Grade: C


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