Stars in Progress: Y2J/Brazil, Vince Russo Speaks, WHC, More


I read highlights from a recent Vince Russo interview and recommend it to anyone. I also recommend checking out his upcoming live shoot interview with Kayfabe Commentaries.

Love him or hate him, Vince Russo is still a very polarizing and entertaining figure in pro wrestling.

To be honest, I’ve always been a fan of Russo. I’m a fan of Bischoff, too. And Heyman. And even Jim Cornette. That’s not a contradiction – they all have good qualities and bad. Each has lasted this long in the wrestling business; they must be doing something right.

Vince Russo gets a bad rap for everything. Some of it is justified, sure. A valid argument could even be made that Russo has done more harm than good to the product since entering the creative side of it in 1996. Yet, for every hater of Vince Russo’s writing ability, there’s someone else giving him major credit for his contributions.

I give Vince Russo credit for staying true to his beliefs. He’s made a lot of changes as a person over the years – it’s documented – but he hasn’t changed how he feels about pro wrestling, his contributions to it, and the decisions he’s made in the past 16 or 17 years.

Vince Russo still defends the David Arquette debacle. He owns it and still believes it was a good idea to this day. I agree with him, too.

We can argue that point later.


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