Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction

CM PunkCody Rhodes def. Tyson Kidd

What I Liked:

This was a quick match with a few nice spots. Rhodes' dropkick is one of the best in the business. Also, Kidd gets a little exposure even though he loses in quick fashion. They flip the switch from Christian who was at the announcer's table. It looks like we will get a rematch at No Way Out, and I think that is going to be a great match with a lot of athletic spots.

What I Disliked:

I like these two feuding, but it is missing something. I am not sure what is missing, but I just don't feel the intensity between the two. There is not a lot of history, and Rhodes should be going up while Christian should stay where he is at. It is hard to explain, but I really think people will not care too much about this rematch, which they should.

Grade: C+

C.M. Punk vs. Kane Ends in No Contest

What I Liked:

You knew this was not going to be a clean finish. Punk looked great in the early going, stepping away from his technicality, and working more on being aggressive and physical on an obviously stronger opponent. I love to see Kane thrive with guys like Punk and Bryan, because it shows how versatility and endurance for a big guy. The match was really solid, nothing too fantastic. You had Kane hit the big boot and Punk fight out of chokeslam attempts. There was good technicality in the middle of the match to slow down the face, which benefitted Kane more. I liked how AJ continues to be used in multiple facets. You are adding multiple layers to a feud that seemed random at first, but not makes a little more sense with how much they invest in these guys. Kane stands tall at the end of Smackdown until Laurinaitis announces he is in the WWE Championship match at No Way Out. Another way to impliment someone else, well done by the WWE.

Grade: A-

Smackdown Grade: B

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