Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 6-11-12

Santino MarellaBeth Phoenix and Ricardo Rodriguez def. Layla and Santino Marella

What I Liked:

This match was for pure comedy, but I did not really laugh. Beth Phoenix is the best Diva in the company, hands down. She made Layla look really good, and I expect this to be added to No Way Out. They could really put on a good match if given enough time, with both Divas using a good combination of speed and strength.

What I Disliked:

What is the meaning of the US Title? We give it absolute no value and no relevance. I was absolutely bored with the entire match, found nothing good with Santino and Ricardo, and really felt this was a complete waste. If this is what to expect on every 3 hour Raw, count me out. Give your TV time importance and not a complete joke of a storyline.

Grade: D

In Ring Segment

-Daniel Bryan talks about being different than Kane and Punk. He says AJ is still in love with him, and "Once you go Bryan, there is no point in tryin." This was absolute gold from Daniel Bryan, who is now a complete player. He has everything a long term superstar has. The charisma, the intelligence, and the ability to get over any time he wants. Punk comes out and talks about AJ being pretty cool and out of Bryan's league. Bryan chants  "No." Daniel Bryan calls Punk a sell out. Punk fires back about speaking his mind and says he is the same guy he was. He calls him a moron and says he is too self absorbed, and says he will put him to sleep at No Way Out. Pyro explodes and out comes Kane. He talks about things he has done in his WWE career, and says his pipe bombs are actual pipe bombs. He proclaims he will leave No Way Out with the WWE Championship. AJ makes her way to the ring, and tells the men to stop. AJ says she looked into Kane's eyes and saw that he has a heart. AJ says she is not over her first true love, and tells Punk he is the coolest guy she has ever known. She says the best man will win, and Laurinaitis appears on the screen. He books Daniel Bryan and Kane vs. CM Punk and AJ.

This was a great segment to gain more interest and intrigue for the WWE Championship match on Sunday. We have not had much speaking between the three, and an addition of AJ adds another layer and level to the match.  I really love the idea of this match and how they are going to book this for future matches. It is an open ended idea with many more ideas to branch from it. Well done.

Grade: B+


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