Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 6-11-12

Big ShowThe Big Show def. Kofi Kingston in a Steel Cage Match

What I Liked:

The match was not too bad, with a little bit of speed and offense from Kofi. With the Big Show controlling 90 percent of the match, that is what everyone expected to happen. Big Show needed to use his strength and heat from the crowd to beat down a much weaker opponent. You know what was going to happen,

What I Disliked:

There were good spots from Kofi, especially when he was launched into the cage. My main problem is the lack of faces that are viable threats to The Big Show. Why can't we have something more out of superstars? It gets so simple and predictable, and you really need to have guys that can create more of out Big Show. He is lacking in many areas, has handcuffs on his creativity inside the ring, and you can tell when the best they can get is Kofi Kingston.

Grade: C

Sin Cara def. Curt Hawkins

What I Disliked:

This was pretty bad. As you can tell, there is nothing I liked out of this match. From the ridiculous lighting to Curt Hawkins looking absolutely sloppy, the match did not provide any sort of entertainment for me. I enjoyed Cara the past couple of weeks, but this was just bad. He hit a few moves, but his opponent was nowhere near the speed or consistency to make this match look good. The crowd did not care one ounce, and already seems dead two plus hours into the show.

Grade: D-


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