Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Choices for WWE GM

Number 10: David Otunga

David Otunga

A man who is made of money and prestige. David Otunga’s best characteristic is the fact that he is able to cross between Hollywood and Professional Wrestling in a matter of seconds. From the covers of TMZ headlines to the wrestling ring, Otunga would make for a servicable GM because of what he possesses. He is intelligent, a graduate of Harvard Law, and has the look of power. His build is fantastic, but his ring work is not. If you put him at the GM position, he can work on his ability to get over with his words and his actions, because his ring work is not getting over at all. He could do things at the position to make himself look better, such as bring in celebrities of his choosing. I am in no means talking about a celebrity host each week, but we could have him bring importance back for when Hollywood stars come to the WWE. No more jokes, but more serious consideration of growing a company. With his background and connections, David Otunga would be a good business choice for General Manager.


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