Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 6-22

Alberto Del RioAlberto Del Rio def. Christian

What I Liked:

Del Rio and Christian is an interesting pairing. You have Christian, a solidified mid card champion who can wrestle with anybody, compete with Del Rio, who is viewed as "World Championship" material. The action inside of the ring was great because they are very similar in stature and offensive creativity. Christian's timing and intelligence is something I feel is overlooked. He is excellent on how many levels, and he continues to produce quality matches. I loved the hurricanranna, but thought the reversals from both guys really enhanced the speed. It ended with a Christian Tornado DDT, which got a quick two count. The end does not hurt Christian because Del Rio got distractions from Ricardo, and that really is the only way not to make Christian weak. Cody Rhodes attacks Christian once again, continuing their feud. I feel like both guys will be in Money in the Bank, so it's essential to keep their feud and build more feuds inside that one match.

What I Disliked:

The match was fluid, the action made sense, and it was a smart idea and victory for a guy like Del Rio.

Grade: A

Kane def. Daniel Bryan

What I Liked:

Once again, the main story is AJ being involved. She was the time keeper, and was a huge distraction for both men. She continues to thrive in her role, and really is interesting to watch grow in front of out eyes. The best part is that this is her first big opportunity, as NXT was nothing to ride home about. The match itself was solid, with Kane being able to keep up with Bryan. I give a lot of credit to Kane because he has been able to adapt to many offensive styles, from Cena to Punk to Bryan.He showed in the match he can keep up and make a match flow well with the quicker and more aggressive Bryan. The ending of the match saw AJ help Kane win. She continues to distract Bryan and cost him matches. She has cost matches to Bryan, Kane, and Punk. This keeps the story wide open and continues to make us wonder who she is aligning with.

What I Disliked:

I felt that Punk on commentary would have been perfect. He is the reason why both of these guys are feuding as well. If all layers are going to be involved, involve them consistently, even on Smackdown.


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