Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 6-22

WWE SmackdownOpening Segment:

What I Liked:

Teddy Long comes out saying John Laurinaitis is fired and Mick Foley is the GM tonight. Big Show comes out, talks about not caring about anybody, and congratulates Cena for winning with help. Big Show wants in Money in the Bank. I liked this because Big Show needs to move on quickly since he and Cena are complete. The loss does not look as bad now looking back because Cena did get help to win. This is rare in the career of Cena. I also enjoyed Brodus Clay coming out, getting some offense onto Show, and the fact that David Otunga came out and helped Show. You continue one feud, align Otunga with an established heel, and let Brodus grow more than just his dancing. Otunga has that excellent look to be able to beat a bigger opponent. I buy this, and buy the fact that Clay could face either or.

What I Disliked:

Does The Big Show need Money in the Bank? I really do not think so because he will be out of place and will slow down the pace of the match. Last year, we had athletes like Gabriel, Cara, Slater, Bryan, among others. That is why it was much better than Raw's Ladder Match. Also, Show could be make Clay have his first meaningful match on Pay Per View. I would much rather see that than Big Show with a ladder. Nothing good would really come out of that.

Grade: B+

Ryback def. Jared Wachtler and Frank Venezia

What I Liked:

Ryback, once again, looks excellent. His look and his intensity is rarely matched in contests that have little meaning. I enjoy the powerbomb into the corner, which nobody else really does.

What I Disliked:

When will we get something different? Another week, another squash. Move on, WWE Creative, and give Ryback a meaning now. It is getting to repetitive.

Grade: C-


-Yoshi and Foley are backstage, while Vickie says she is GM next week. Khali comes in and dances.


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