Ryback Bill Goldberg

What’s NOT Bothering Me: Ryberg, BFG Series, Johnny Ace

What’s NOT Bothering You?

The following were tweeted to me earlier today for the sole purpose of being used in this column:

Paul Briody @MrPaulBriody says…“New NXT! I can’t believe I just typed that! But I’m intrigued! 1st show was good.”
Mark Hanson @HotTagHanson added…“Probably had this one already, but the new season of NXT certainly isn’t bothering me. Brilliant first show!”

CC Response: Can’t argue with this at all. NXT has certainly taken a step up since moving the tapings to Full Sail University. I highly recommend watching the inaugural edition if you haven’t had the chance yet.

Toby Michaels @thetobymichaels says…“3 hour raws. I’ll take all the wrestling and segments I can get. Why aren’t more people greedy like me? Ha”

CC Response: I’m undecided. It will take a lot for fans to accept the new third hour on Mondays and reprogram their routines to allow for the early start each week. Most importantly, Creative has a hard enough time being productive with the amount of wrestling programming they are already required to write each week — an additional hour will seem more like five. That is, if they end up making the new hour like the rest of their first-run programming rather than something that is mostly pre-produced. I’ll hold judgment until we see how it plays out in the end.

Ryan @RCProAm29 says…“Vicky GM’ing Raw and Smackdown this week. Seems like we will get a more Dolph-centric show and that is def NOT bothering me.”

CC Response: Although I’m a FIRM believer in the idea that they should have kept Johnny Ace as GM (more on that in a minute), I agree that Vickie as a fill-in this week could be beneficial to Dolph. IF WWE is serious about pushing him to the next level, they have to take advantage of these types of opportunities. Be aggressive. Sometimes it’s necessary to shove someone down our throats a little.


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