Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA Destination X Preview & Predictions

Last Chance Fourway

Dakota Darsow vs. Rubix vs. Lars Only vs. Mason Andrews

The only thing worse than an obvious spot-fest is a an obvious spot-fest with no recognizable faces. No offense to any of these indie workers; I’m sure they’ve all worked incredibly hard to get this career-changing match. But there’s no way it’ll be booked with any sort of story-telling or artistic integrity. Brace yourself for about 8 minutes of flips and an insane amount of near-falls. 

Prediction: ….? Lars Only. Because why not. 

Ultimate X Tournament

Remember that time I was complaining about spot-fests with no recognizable faces? I think this is TNA’s way of trying to remove Austin Aries from the X-Division, but somehow manage to keep it alive. And I’ll give them credit, they’ve put a lot more effort than normal into doing so. But if you look at the 7 announced participants for this match, only two of them jump off the page: Zema Ion and Kenny King. 

Zema came a long way working with and under Austin Aries. I’m sure almost handicapping an opponent didn’t benefit his career, but he’s got the charima and in-ring ability to be a real force in TNA’s X-Division. And I’ve been following Kenny King since the first time I saw the All Night Express wrestle in Chicago Ridge. I’ve seen him wrestle and I’ve had the pleasure of talking with him at more than one ROH show – he’s the total package you’re looking for in a professional wrestler. And now that Ring of Honor has cut any and all business relations with him, I’d like to think TNA will do the right thing and offer him a legitimate contract. 

If either Ion or King win the match, it’ll be a great day for the X-Division. 

Prediction: Kenny King, your new X-Division Champion