Title This: WWE Raw 1,000 Reaction

The One Man Band, Baby!

What I Liked:

It was such a treat to see guys return once again, such as Dude Love, Animal, Vader, and the other legends we have seen over the past month. I have really enjoyed Heath Slater, and the legends have as well. This is a great ability to use an undercard guy in an important role. It was to celebrate the legends we do not normally see, and Heath did it with cockiness, arrogance, and postivity. It seemed like nothing could ruin his day, and it came off great. Lita looked tremendous as well, and can still hit that pretty moonsault. The APA got a well deserved pop, and did not miss a beat.

What I Disliked:

I wanted someone bigger to fight Slater. Personally, Lita should have called out Edge, who could easily just hit a spear. The Rated R Superstar and the One Man Rock Band? Where do I sign up!? Nonetheless, all kidding aside, well done for the conclusion of a fun storyline.

Grade: B-


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