Title This: WWE Raw 1,000 Reaction

WWE Raw 1000For the historic Raw 1,000, I am going to alter my usual Title This Reaction, which I would normally break down segment by segment. For this, I am going to critique and grade the parts of the show in a broader aspect.

Daniel Bryan and AJ's Wedding

What I Liked:

Daniel Bryan and AJ are absolute money on the microphone together. They look like they belong together, with a small build. Bryan is so good at his psychology with each spoken word. He never comes off unintelligent and really is much better than people gave him credit for. His character is excellent and will be fresh for a very long time. I thought the wedding came off great between those two, but the bigger picture was what was going to happen to interrupt. I really did not want it to be interrupted by another "lover" as we have seen that time and time again. Instead, another "proposal" was from Vince McMahon. The crowd absolutely erupted when hearing his music and it was comical. Vince appointed AJ as the new General Manager of Raw. While many people did not like this, I felt like it was a great idea. She is arguably the best Diva in terms of importance in the past ten years. She has surpassed Eve, who had a huge role earlier in the year. Her personality can be utilized in many feuds, and her power will be used in a new and different way. This is different and really does have many avenues to take. If you gave the GM to someone like Regal, you know what you are going to get with him. If you got Foley, he may not be there every week. You have NO idea what you are going to get, and that is a good thing in this role. Well done for Vince and the WWE.

What I Disliked:

Slick was an absolute joke. I hated the entire aspect of having him as the Priest because it simply did not make any sense whatsoever. The wedding is not a great storyline for any live TV show, but this one was much better than previous ones because it was not the same. I also thought that there should have been a little more added here. I am not sure what, but make the set more unique, have a best man or maid of honor. Give it a little more flavor.

Grade: B+


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