What’s NOT Bothering Me: AJ, Former Star Return, New Saturday WWE Show

Time to be postive again.

#3. New Saturday Morning Show

Why are WWE’s forthcoming new programs being met with such negativity by some of you? If you think it will cause “too much wrestling”, don’t watch the new shows. Watch the amount of wrestling YOU want to watch — no one is forcing you to view the excess.

Maybe WWE needs to add that to their pre-show disclaimer or something.

As father of a four-year-old, I think another Saturday morning wrestling show could be great. Cartoons and wrestling — a winning combination.

If you’re not looking at it from a wrestling parent’s point of view, look at it from Vince’s. It’s another hour on network television and more money in his pocket. Plus, he gets to target and potentially reach more kids in an early timeslot on Saturday than he can with his normal primetime offerings.

It likely won’t appeal much to the older fans and the IWC, but given the fact Vince isn’t really trying to reach that demographic in the first place, this makes sense on all levels.


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