Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA Hardcore Justice Preview & Predictions

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Austin Aries (c) vs. Bobby Roode

Austin AriesThis match is being booked as the “final encounter” between these two. It won’t be. Bobby Roode was too good of a Champion not to get another match, while TNA is much too invested in Aries to take the belt off him right away, or at the very least not to give him his a second chance. They’ll throw the bait-and-switch now at Hardcore Justice, but just wait until Bound for Glory. 

I have a bigger problem with this match, and it’s simply that I don’t think either guy can truly win here. Bobby Roode shouldn’t have lost the belt at Destination X, plain and simple. I love Austin Aries and I think he’s a guy TNA can shape their future around, but Roode was just too damn good! Roode’s Championship reign meant something, and it made the World title important vicariously. Wrestling finally had a heel Champ that simply couldn’t be taken down. For awhile, Bobby Roode was JBL circa 2005. Sting tried and failed, twice. AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD – all of them stepped up to the plate and struck out. Austin Aries could have been the guy to dethrone Roode, but Bound for Glory – with the proper build and booking – should have been both the time and the place to make the switch. 

Bobby RoodeLike I said, it’s hard to believe either guy can truly “win”. If Roode wins back his Championship (he won’t), Aries was the transitional place-holder. Everything Hogan said about him is meaningless. He’ll rebound eventually, but it will take a lot of time and dedication. On the other hand, I’m already doubting Aries’ title run. I love the guy, and he’s one talented S.O.B., but I’m going through charisma withdrawl without Roode holding the belt. Aries just isn’t strong, nor fluid enough on the mic to force me to believe him just yet. His win was premature, and while that moment at Destination X was one I’ll probably never forget, that doesn’t mean it was in the best interest of the company. 

At this point, a 3-way between Roode, Storm and Aries is probably the best thing TNA can hope for at Bound for Glory. Storm and Roode doesn’t have enough behind it now without Bobby as the Champ, and nobody is going to want to pay to see another Aries/Roode match. Aries/Storm just makes no sense… Aries up agianst just about anybody else on the roster isn’t going to sell Bound for Glory, and that’s really what I worry about the most. Roode could have sold TNA’s biggest annual event; can Aries do the same thing? 

Prediction: Austin Aries retains

Final Thoughts

There’s a lot to look forward to tonight at Hardcore Justice. The reveal of Aces & Eights, more disgusting Earl Hebner make-out sessions, and the set-up process looking towards Bound for Glory. TNA has put on definitely three, possibly four, arguably five solid PPVs in a row. The Impact product is far-and-away my favorite wrestling show on television every week. So yes, tonight should be something to look forward to. Unforunately, often times when we build things up in our heads and ease into a comfortable position, we are at the most risk for being disappointed. 

I have faith in TNA to produce tonight. I have faith in the Ladder Match to steal the show, in the World Title competitors to prove why they’re on top, for Madison Rayne to be sexy as hell, and for the rest of the roster to show up and do what they’ve been doing well for quite some time now. I’m just hoping and praying that they don’t let us all down so close to their biggest event of the year! 

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