Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 8/13/12

Piper's Pit with Chris Jericho

What I Liked:

Chris JerichoPiper's Pit was used to put over Jericho vs. Ziggler at Summerslam. I love that they made it feel more important than just a regular match, and showcased the ability of Chris Jericho ad-libbing. Jericho has the amazing ability of flipping from heel to face to heel to face unlike anyone else. Y2J gets the crowd on his side, and I felt like he really got the fans behind him here. Ziggler came out and talked more about Jericho not winning the big one. This was good for both guys, but great for Dolph. He was in the ring with two of the best talkers in WWE History. This could only benefit him in many ways. I enjoyed the segment and thought it came off exactly how it needed to.

What I Disliked:

The only gripe I have is why was The Miz out there? All three of the pieces, and with Vickie, were doing just fine. Miz has no connection with either of the men in the ring, and should have been used to find someone to challenge for his IC Title. Hell, you have three hours to do that. Take out Tensai and Cara and add a contender's match. This would have been much better booked if Miz could have done that instead of interrupting a match that needs as much exposure as possible.

Grade: B+

Dolph Ziggler def. The Miz and Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat Match

What I Liked:

Dolph ZigglerWe wait over an hour to get a great match. Chris Jericho continues to be consistent in all of the matches he puts on. Tonight, he connected on a great kick to Ziggler, which sent him to the outside. This gave Miz some much needed offense, including the great back breaker into a neck breaker combination. You can see that The Miz is finally getting back to the point where his instincts and timing are effective. The match consisted of many pinfalls, counters, reversals, and the unknown. I really felt at a point in this match that all opponents could pick up the victory. Ziggler hit a great Zig Zag to beat Jericho after he made Miz tap out. That is the excellent way to use Vickie to garner heel heat for Dolph. This was an excellent planned out match from beginning to end, and really put the point across that Jericho vs. Ziggler could be a show stealer. Miz helped in many ways as well getting both men over without looking weak.

Grade: A-


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