Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction For 8-30-12

Impact WrestlingOpening Segment:

What I Liked:

Austin Aries starts the show by saying he is not medically cleared to wrestle. He says he can still fight, and that he wants to fight Aces and Eights. Sting and Hulk come out and say they are here to fight also. I felt like Aries really thrived in this situation, calling out the guys who are trying to injure him. The feud needed some extra star power, and they got it with Hogan and Sting. Aces and Eights will continue to be used as mysterious and a very, very minor league NWO. This is what they need to do to not ruin a bigger story.

What I Disliked:

We need to see more physicality and intense fighting from Aces and Eights. I want to see them focus their attacks on announcers, commentators, and even cause more chaos. If they can accomplish this, then it will be something much more interesting. You can only feud with the World Champion for so long, until he gets a title shot and Aces and Eights becomes the second story.

Grade: B

James Storm def. Rob Van Dam

What I Liked:

Impact opens up on the wrestling side with a very good match between a veteran and a brawler. Rob Van Dam and Storm actually worked well together, as RVD was able to get a flurry of moves in quick. James Storm needed to win this match, and he did. I loved the pace of the match, with Storm hitting an nice neckbreaker for a near fall. If you are a fan of technical wrestling, you will not love this match. It was physical, athletic, and had Storm hit a great Last Call on RVD as he was about to hit a corner splash. It was a big win for Storm considering the BFG Series is winding down. He seems to be the favorite ever since he won the battle royal so long ago. RVD does not need the BFG victory, but Storm does to really gain more momentum.

Grade: B+

ODB def. Madison Rayne

What I Liked:

Well, there is no other Knockout or Diva like ODB. Rayne is continuning to grow on me, with her cocky and princess attitude. The match had nothing to it besides a quick pin for ODB.

What I Disliked:

Madison Rayne was the number one contender to Brooke Tessmacher, but gets squashed here? I really do not get the point of this match and having her lose so quickly. You could easily have another Knockout play this role.

Grade: D


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