Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Jerry Lawler Moments in Professional Wrestling

Number 8: Lawler vs. Bill Dundee

Jerry Lawler

In the summer of 1977, Jerry Jarrett had just begun his wrestling promotion. In Memphis, it was the much hated Jerry Lawler versus a crowd favorite Bill Dundee. When Lawler would win a match, Dundee would win the next two. The entire summer had these two guys at each others’ throats. The fans could not get enough of their feud. They thought that in Dundee they would finally find the one person to shut Jerry Lawler’s mouth. As the feud drew to conclusions, Lawler and Dundee would fight in a hair versus hair match. After an excellent bout in Memphis, Lawler would win and Dundee was shaved bald. This seemed to be the end, but it was not. A strange curveball happened, when Dundee wanted one more match, and put his wife’s hair on the line. To the shock of everyone, lawler won AGAIN. Dundee’s wife ended up getting her head shaved. This was at a time where every show was sold out, tickets were hard to come by, and Jerry Jarrett ended up having a promotion that did not immediately die. He can thank these two legends.


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