Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: CM Punk Confrontations

Number 8: JBL


We all know when the lights are on bright. Punk has gotten to that point of his career, but not before much criticism. JBL was one of the guys that has been vocal on CM Punk from the very beginning, similar to his comments about The Miz. JBL is a “Vince McMahon” guy and continues to use his intelligence and wit to gain support from the crowd. Although his title reign gave me no interest, Layfield carried it for a very long time. It would be fitting to talk about how people tend to forget his length reign, much like people could forget about Punk’s if he did not face Cena at Hell in a Cell. Layfield could play the tweener role, talking about losing to John Cena. In all cases, he was the guy Cena beat to get to the top. John Cena, obviously, has stayed there ever since.


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