What’s Bothering Me: Big Show, Old School Fans, Rob Van Dam

Ring of Honor2. Old School Fans

Yes, this is yet another opportunity for me to lash out at the ROH fans that raised such a fuss over the weekend because they didn't get a clean finish after a 35-minute main event. Kevin Kelly will be joining me and Nick on VOW tonight to talk more about this. I can't wait.

I keep reading about the "passion" of said Ring of Honor fans. Give me a break, unless you mean "selfishness", "lunacy", "embarrasing nature", or some other alternative description for the word "passion".

I'm a passionate wrestling fan. Most of you reading this are passionate wrestling fans. But like me, most of you wouldn't act like my four-year-old daughter throwing a temper tantrum at night-night time all because the wrestling show you attended ended in creativity. You're better than that.

The term "old school" has also come up in defense of these crazy fans. I'm pretty sure "old school" wrestling companies had storytelling (by way of false finishes) in their product as well, so I don't find that an accurate excuse either.

Let me stress that I'm not calling out all ROH fans. Some of you are very passionate. Some of you might even be considered "old school". However, the majority of you are also sane, from what I gather, and I can't imagine that you would have had an issue with the event from Saturday.

If I'm wrong, please speak up and tell me. If you are a diehard ROH fan that was somehow offended or seriously let down by their finish to ONE house show main event, I can't wait to hear your justification. Maybe I'm missing something entirely. I don't think so, but maybe.

From where I sit, it looks like you don't want your favorite wrestling company to succeed, period. Or at least, not succeed past satisfying your selfish and undeserving ego. Tell me where I'm wrong.


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