Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-8

Wade BarrettSheamus Defeats Wade Barrett By Disqualification

What I Liked:

This is the feud I want to see, not Big Show and Sheamus. I was shocked to see the pairing on Raw, but loved the brawling feature from both men. When you think of two legit fighters and bad asses, Wade and Sheamus come to mind. The silver lining was the fact that Big Show was outside watching the entire time. The match itself had a lot of everything. Props to Wade Barrett, who carried a great portion of the match with his continuous strikes to Sheamus' body. It was really telling to have him carry a lot of the offense on the champion. Sheamus has been a guy who seemingly breezes through matches, but not tonight. Wade hits a few of his moves, but Sheamus is able to reverse him and chop the Brit down with forearms to the chest. Tensai comes out and attacks Sheamus. Him and Wade double team the champion, while Big Show leaves. Sheamus fights off the guys, but Big Show comes back into the ring and tosses out the Irishman. Well done to draw intrigue without fighting too much. I said this time and time again, Sheamus and Big Show do not need to "talk." There has to be physicality.

Grade: B

Antonio Cesaro Defeats Tyson Kidd

What I Liked:

Cesaro shows up great a week ago to beat Brodus Clay, with an impressive Neutralizer. This week, he gets a fast and really good opponent in Tyson Kidd. The match really tested how quickly Cesaro could act and react, and he succeeded. The match gave Tyson some offense early, showed some unique moves, and had Cesaro overcome the moves. Cesaro's uppercut is awesome. I absolutely love that nobody else uses it, the intensity of it, and how it is hard to really screw it up. This is a great set up move for his finisher.

What I Disliked:

Antonio put up a few good weeks and is getting a response. Now is the time to get someone to feud with him for the United States Championship. You need to have someone get him even more heat. If you don't, people will begin to cheer how good he is in the ring, and not boo him like he is supposed to. Example: Dolph Ziggler.

Grade: C+


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