Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-8

KaneTeam Hell No Defeats Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler

What I Liked:

Dolph and Daniel start off the match with great in ring technique. Ziggler, the more cocky and athletic of the two, focuses on grounding Bryan for a quick minute. He hits a shoulder block, continues the attacks, and sets up a tag for Del Rio. This begins the isolation of Daniel Bryan, needing to tag in his partner. Bryan gets isolated in the corner even more from Del Rio, with a snap suplex and a headlock. The smooth and crisp offense continues, until Bryan is able to tag in Kane. Kane hits clotheslines, and a beautiful dropkick to the face of Ziggler. Bryan wants to get back into the ring, tags himself in blindly, and hits a missle dropkick off the top rope. With the ending near, Kane tags himself in, hits a Chokeslam, and picks up the victory. Bryan looks upset, once again, but he picks up the win. Kane and him get into each other's face. This ends a very entertaining match with a lot of unique offensive techniques throughout.

What I Disliked:

I really can tell that they have no idea what to do with Del Rio or Ziggler right now. Neither have feuds, unless you could Orton and Del Rio, but that is still progressing slower than usual. Ziggler keeps the briefcase, but wouldn't you like to see something meaningful from him, potentially to build some positive steam before he cashes in? I certainly know I would.

Grade: B-

– Jim Ross finds Vince backstage and tells him he should not fight. Vince says he wants J.R. out there to yell "McMahon, McMahon!" Ross ends up doing it for him, and Vince pats him on the back.

Larry King With The Miz and Kofi Kingston

What I Liked:

This was hard to watch. Larry King does not connect with the audience whatsoever. Half of them probably have never heard him speak before. The Miz talks about being a great champion, and that it is his birthday. Larry King gets annoyed and calls out Kofi Kingston. Larry King's wife throws a drink in Miz's face, and Kofi gets involved. Kingston throws The Miz off the stage and the fight continues. I was impressed with Kofi in a few ways, and really think it is a good thing he gets out of his old tag team.

What I Disliked:

I really did not get the point of having Larry King there. He has a new show, but what does this have to do with WWE? He just seemed out of place and still is irrelavant to me. The Miz and Kofi could be really good, but is it the right opponent for Miz? I feel like they just picked Kofi because there was nobody else they wanted to build up for The Miz. Kofi does not need built up.

Grade: C-


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