Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-8

Cody RhodesCody Rhodes and Damien Sandow Defeats Zack Ryder and Santino Marella

What I Liked:

Ryder started off the match in his typical fashion, with knees to his opponent's face and begins to get the advantage. That does not last long, as Rhodes reverses him and begins to beat down Ryder. Sandow gets some quick offense in, an elbow drop and a few kicks. I thought his pacing was very solid, keeping the focus on himself and nobody else. I also enjoyed the exchange between Sandow and Ryder. They have a little history, so it makes sense to bring that out between both men. The finish comes when Cody hits Santino with a Beautiful Disaster.

What I Disliked:

I disliked having Santino get the hot tag. It makes his tag team look more of a joke, and does not bring out the best in his competition. The match was simply alright, with nothing to be remembered by. After, Slater and his boys attack Santino. I still can honestly say I do not buy into these three guys. They are out of place and really do not interest me being together.

Grade: C

Eve Defeats Kaitlyn

What I Liked:

Kaitlyn showed a lot tonight, in the fact that she can keep up with Eve. Eve and Kaitlyn had some nice exchanges in the ring, including a powerful clothesline from Kaitlyn. She was able to garner some offense, keep the match as a civil pace, and had an opportunity to showcase her abilities without taking many risks. Eve picked up the win, which was the right call. Eve does not break the hold, and Layla comes in to throw her out of the ring. Good work by Layla for a quick time, as she looks to get revenge on Eve.

What I Disliked:

I just am still not sold on Eve vs. Layla. I hope I am wrong, but Layla still does nothing for me.

Grade: C+


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