Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-25

Jeff HardyJeff Hardy Defeats Kurt Angle to retain the TNA Heavyweight Championship

What I Liked:

Man, this was an awesome contest between two men who have worked in the ring with everyone. When you saw this pairing, you knew you were going to get a great wrestling match. Kurt Angle is simply the best overall inside of that ring, focusing on specific body parts of Hardy, and executing every move with ease. I love when he can transition a simple suplex into multiple German Suplexes. It still gets the crowd excited. Hardy and Angle exchanged blows to get the crowd into it. As the match progressed, it was all about Angle selling every kick, every move, and every step to Hardy. Jeff was able to hit 2 Twist of Fates and a Swanton Bomb. Angle was able to kick out, and blood spewed from his mouth. The blood and sweat was left in the ring, and Hardy was able to reverse Angle and roll him up for the win. This made Angle look dominant, and made Hardy look relentless. It benefitted everyone involved. After the match, Aries attacked Hardy and said that he will invoke his rematch clause at Turning Point. Backstage, Angle was attacked by Aces and Eights. I love that Kurt Angle is going to be involved in this, because he is the one guy that has helped TNA in the media's eyes more than anyone over the past handful of years. He is a guy that has stood for TNA, and could easily be a target for whoever is revealed as their leader. I loved it.

Grade: A

Impact Grade: B-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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