Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-25

Impact WrestlingRob Van Dam Defeats Zema Ion to retain the X Division Championship

What I Liked:

This was a solid match to start off Impact, with a championship on the line. I was skeptical when RVD won the title, for the simple reason it made no sense and squashed all of the momentum of Ion. This match was quick, effective, and showed that RVD still has a lot to offer. I am beginning to warm up to the idea of RVD as X Division Champion because he could help the younger guys become bigger and better just by being paired with him.

What I Disliked:

It is all about how strong the younger opponent looks against RVD. Ion did not look strong here, lost in under 5 minutes, and really is falling off my radar. I like his look, his unique offensive skills, but it seems like they are unsure what to do with him. He is too gifted to be booked to lose this quickly, especially after holdint the X Division title for a few months. After the match, Matt Morgan attacked RVD. I do not want to see Morgan go for the X Division title, so hopefully this is going to happen to more people than just RVD himself.

Grade: C

-Kazarian and Daniels came out and said Hernandez and Chavo were illegal immigrants, and had a petition. They want a rematch, and the champions come out. They shove each other and sign the petition. Nothing amazing happened here, but just a slower build for the tag team champions.

-Anderson is cut by Hogan, so he will not face Jeff Hardy. Austin Aries threw water in Anderson's face, and a fight broke out. They will fight later on tonight, which will do great things for both guys. Anderson will get a chance to inject himself into a feud with Aries, even for a short time.