Title This: WWE Hell in a Cell Reaction

RybackEve Defeats Kaitlyn and Layla

What I Liked:

Eve is now the face of the Divas Division, and she deserves it. She has thrived all year in many different roles, and shows her ability to adapt to new situations. The action inside the ring was actually really solid, and I was impressed with the sheer power of Kaitlyn. She is one of the up and coming Divas that can perform in the ring. Eve would sneak a victory away from Kaitlyn.

What I Disliked:

Alright, we need to work on creativity in the ring a little more. WWE has become so predictable with their women's matches. When they begin to work on that, I will begin to work on my critiques of how to improve it.

Grade: C

CM Punk Defeats Ryback inside Hell in a Cell

What I Liked:

I was impressed with the speed of Ryback. With the matches he has been put in, we have only gotten a small taste of what he can offer. This was a chance for everyone to realize that he is more than a few moves. He was powerful, strong, and looked even better than I have seen him. He is not just a few moves because he has a lot more to offer. His moves were powerful and intense, and he was able to use his strength to overcome the intelligence of CM Punk. Punk did his very best to keep it going in his favor. Punk focused more on Ryback's lower body, and really was able to make things even.

What I Disliked:

A referee causes Ryback to suffer his first loss. This is the best that the WWE can come up with? They DROPPED THE BALL on what could have been a groundbreaking night for Punk, Ryback, and years for the WWE. Instead of taking a chance, they took a horrible risk and squashed the chances for Ryback being who he should be. I was so upset and wanted to at least see Lesnar or Cena do something. This was the absolute last thing on my mind, and was a travesty.

Grade: C-

Hell in a Cell Grade: B-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.

WWE Hell in a Cell


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