Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 11-13

WWE RawThe Undercard

As we approach Survivor Series 6 days away, you knew that they were going to give you matches that would feature Team Foley and Team Ziggler. Opening contest of the night saw Randy Orton defeating Dolph Ziggler in a match that did not do much for either guy. Instead of a great bout, they used Del Rio to interfere in the match and cause a Tag Team match to follow. Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton lost to Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio. As we get towards the action of the match, Kingston and Orton worked pretty well together. The action goes back and forth, with Kingston hitting the S.O.S but Ziggler breaking it up. We were able to see a preview of the chaos to expect on Sunday, but it ultimately fell flat for me. The heels won, which I agreed with, but what is the overall point to care about the matchups? The feuds are recycled, the action is predictable, and we know Team Foley will most likely win. We have seen these four guys fight one another time and time and time again, so why not throw Barrett in or even someone like Bryan? They are great athletes, but the stories they are in give me no reason to invest. Grade: C+

R-Truth defeated Tensai in a match that had Tensai dominate until the very end. I understand that Truth needs to get a legit win, but does this really make the crowd think he will beat Cesaro? I enjoy the character Cesaro is playing, and feels like it connects with Truth's thug mentality. They are very different, but the feud is still very young. I expect somewhat of a dirty finish, but Truth should have beaten someone that people actually cared about. Tensai does not get anyone over, period. Grade: C-

The Big Show defeats William Regal. This was sloppy, awkward, and really did NOTHING for me either. Regal is friends with Sheamus, and we understand that. They try to get personal, but Regal is not a guy that should still be wrestling. Sheamus and Big Show will continue to be physical with one another, and that is what sold me. Get rid of the fatty, uninteresting stories and focus on what exactly people want to see. Show and Sheamus need to fight, not talk. Grade: D

Sheamus defeats David Otunga. Once again, another lame and boring match that we have seen MANY times. Sheamus dominates a inferior opponent, hits White Noise, and connects with a Brogue Kick. After the match, Show knocks out Regal in the back, to which Sheamus runs to. I did not mind this, but still feel that they are running out of ideas for Sheamus. Not to be repetitive, but Sheamus and Show have to try and one up each other. That is what is more important. Grade: C


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