Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Survivor Series Moments

Number 9: Team WWF vs. Team Alliance: 2001

One man had a vision of creating a sports entertainment conglomerate known today as the WWE. When Vince bought out his biggest competition in 2001, he seized the opportunity of creating a storyline involving a potential takeover from talent acquired from WCW and ECW. He and Linda would take their boys into battle, including The Rock, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Kane, and The Big Show to stop Stephanie and Shane from overtaking the company. The siblings gathered Stone Cold, Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle, Booker T and Shane himself. The battle was okay. This felt important, felt real, and gave us a sense of worry if Vince was “done” being the leader. At the end of the night, Vince stood tall, raised his arms in the air, and took it all back. Was it an epic failure? Yes.


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