Hogan vs Hogan in Impact Wrestling?

Impact WrestlingImpact Wrestling’s plan for the Hulk Hogan-Brooke Hogan-Bully Ray story arc is to turn Brooke heel against her father, choosing her romance with Bully Ray over daddy dearest.

It seems absurd on so many levels, one being that Bully Ray’s character is hardly a romantic.

But Bully Ray is Impact’s strongest heel promo, and Hulk wants someone who can get Brooke over and who can go back and forth with him promo-wise.

Who fights on Hulk’s behalf? That’s the missing link.

At his age and in his condition, the idea of Hogan doing a match seems dangerous. Perhaps Hulk and Bully Ray could do a short brawl.

As usual, the primary goal of Impact is to get Hogan over. The secondary goal is to get his untalented offspring over, and allow her to steal paychecks indefinitely.

Like father, like daughter.

In other transparencies, Al Snow got jumped by Aces & Eights, thus keeping him from voting out Wes Brisco in Gut Check.

It’s going to turn out that D-Lo Brown has been an inside man for Aces & Eights, and this whole set-up was to get Brisco hired. Brisco and Garrett Bischoff will eventually turn on Kurt Angle.

But if Aces & Eights have already won access to The Impact Zone, why does Brisco need to be “hired”?

Creative departments desperately need quality control editors.


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