Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 11-30

SheamusThe Main Event

Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler in the night's main event. This match was absolutely superb. Dolph and Sheamus work so well together that I wish this was a PPV match for a championship. I loved the intensity of the match from the very beginning. Dolph actually was able to ground Sheamus, lock in a headlock, and take control. With Sheamus, it is only a matter of time until he floods the gates and begins his attack. Sheamus hits multiple chops and a few clotheslines to get the advantage. Ziggler would fire back with an excellent dropkick, reverse another one of Sheamus' attempts, and then hit a HUGE DDT for a close victory. Sheamus was about to set up for the Brogue Kick, but would lock in then Texas Cloverleaf onto Ziggler.

This would prompt Big Show to come out and cause the DQ. As he and Sheamus fought, Ziggler helped Show take down the number one contender. John Cena came out and fought off Ziggler and Show with Sheamus. He and the Celtic Warrior stand tall to end the night. I really enjoyed the ending and thought that it did leaps and bounds for Ziggler and Cena. Sheamus and Show continue their feud, which continues to be a physical one. They do not need to speak much to get their feud across. Cena and Ziggler, on the other hand, can speak, and keep some of the action for later on. They will fight at TLC, and this should be the last stop until Ziggler hits the main event picture. The end mixed two of the biggest and best feuds together, and really helped the show end on a meaningful, and not illogical, way. Grade: A-

Smackdown Grade: B+

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