Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 12-3

CM PunkThe Main Event

At the 8:30EST mark, CM Punk and Paul Heyman bash the crowd and the fans. They give the usual speech about disrespect, and how CM Punk will surpass John Cena's title reign tomorrow. Punk and Heyman theoretically say the same thing each week, but they are both so damn good at making it sound fresh and new. The Miz came out and cut a face promo. He would then con CM Punk into taking a lie detector test on MizTV later tonight. First a Field Sobriety Test and now this for the champion. What else does he need to do?

MizTV starts off with Miz asking simple questions. He asks what his name is (he should have said Phil Brooks FYI) but he says CM Punk. He answers other questions, some that upset the champion. Miz begins to yell at Punk about Brad Maddox and The Shield, and if he is in alliance with him. He does not get to answer, and The Shield comes out to attack The Miz. They take out the former WWE Champion, per usual, and Team Hell No comes out. The Shield take control of them as well, until Ryback's music hits and he clears the ring. The Shield disappears, Punk celebrates, and Ryback comes back in to hit Shell Shocked to end Raw. I am torn on how I feel about this. The Shield should continue to dominate and take over Raw, without any harm. They look a little weak here, as Ryback does NOT need to be standing tall. It would have impressed me more if Punk looked like the strong man. He is the champion, and should not be a scapegoat every single week. It causes less drama, and the fans will begin to tune out.

Grade: B

Raw Grade: C+

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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