Mt. Killamanjaro: 12/12/12

Chris Jericho would once again grace the WWE Universe with his presence, and for the third time he would use a series of odd video packages to promote his return. Only this time, it was much less obvious; the promos didn’t carry the same Y2J-esk feel to them, and were instead much darker. 

To this day, we still have no clue what any of these video packages meant; it’s more likely WWE never meant anything by them at all. It was just a clever, bait-and-switch production to get you hyped up for the new year, followed by something…completely different. Jericho made his return – complete with ridiculous light-up jacket – and preceded to do what is either considered one of the most brilliant, or most frustrating moments in WWE history: he did nothing. 

It became known as the “Jeri-troll”, as Y2J would make his way out to the ring, pander to the live crowds for WAY too long, and then leave. There was no great Jericho promo to be had this time. No explanation was ever offered as to who the “she” in the videos were. He never again brought up the Anonymous General Manager, whose identity he attempted to reveal before Randy Orton punted him in the head. 

And after one of the most anticipated returns ever, Jericho lost. In fact, he kept losing for several months. First at the Royal Rumble, which almost everyone expected him to lose. Then at the Elimination Chamber, after being kicked in the head by CM Punk. He would then lose his title match against Punk…twice. Despite returning with a ton of momentum, Jericho buried himself with “troll” promos and then lost most of his credibility by failing at every PPV. And then he left again. 

Jeri-Troll indeed.