Billy Gunn

Stars in Progress: D-X, Bully Ray, WWE Plagued By Injuries

Bully RayBully Ray – One Step Up

I hate the fact Bully is attached to the Hogans right now,but I’m hoping it’s very temporary. I don’t love the fact he’s a babyface either, but I’m hoping that’s also temporary. The latter, however, I can handle. Bully’s attitude is still there and his character hasn’t become soft as a result of the transition.

TNA creates very few stars, but Bully Ray is one they have. And as long as he’s been in the business, and the multiple attempts at a solo career he’s had, that’s saying something.

2013, if we make it there, could be a very big year for the former ECW standout and I hope it is. The old saying has never been more true: the best wrestling characters generally stem from the real-life persona of the individual with the volume turned up. Bully Ray is just being an amped-up version of himself, and it’s paying huge dividends.

(The 12.21 reference was a joke…you hope.)


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