Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 12-20

Bully RayThe Stories

-Hulk Hogan made his way out to ringside to talk about TNA announcing Wrestler of the Year in a few weeks. Aces and Eights come out, with Devon talking about 2012 being the year of their group. They surround the ring, and Bully Ray comes out to save Hogan. Hogan does not accept his help, and leaves upset. Bully Ray gets upset and says what does he have to do? Later in the night, Hogan says he is focused on the main event picture, as Impact ends with Bully Ray and Brooke making out.

This storyline is interesting because we really do not know where they are going to go. Hulk is obviously playing the father role over the GM role. Does this make for great television? It would if we get another guy involved, possibly hired by Hulk to steal away Brooke. I am just confused as to why Hulk continues to hate Bully. He does not trust him, but has no reason to. Bully continues to win the approval of Brooke but not her husband. What is the payoff? I liked Bully much more when he was feuding with Aces and Eights, or even Austin Aries. I want to see what the finish is, or even a glimpse as to what the future can hold. It will not be a Bully vs. Hulk match, will it?

Grade: C+


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