Who is the Savior of Wrestling?

On this night, over 2000 years ago, a savior was born… at least that’s what I believe. If you don’t believe, that’s cool. Throughout that savior’s life, folks still didn’t believe when they saw the work. Today, stories of that savior still have doubters.

There were many who were also influential of the savior’s movement before he was born and after he died but there was just one savior. That’s what I believe and again, if you don’t, totally cool.

The savior was sent by His Father, the believers say, because everything had gotten so bad. Somebody had to come along to pave the way for the sinful world to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Again, if you think this is cat droppings, I get it. Totally respect your point of view. The story says that the savior had to die so that sinners could go to Heaven. Tough spot but that’s why He was the savior, so they say.

In wrestling over the past year, I have seen who the savior is. Someone who spreads the word of what wrestling is, was and will be. Someone who feels the slings and arrows of hate from his doubters. Someone who leads by example and makes everyone around him better…

Do you see the savior? Do you know who he is?

I’ll share with you later this week who I think the savior of wrestling is but over the next few days, share with me if you think you know who the savior of wrestling is. Drop me a note on Twitter @RealKevinKelly

Merry Christmas!


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