Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-7-13

CM PunkThe Main Event

CM Punk defeated Ryback to retain the WWE Championship in a TLC Match. This was a very entertaining match with a big fight feel. I really was distracted at first by the gear Ryback had on, with two different color purples and the gloves as well. He had too much on, but I got over that when he finally took the beating to Punk. CM Punk will never overpower him, but they booked him intelligently. Punk was able to move away in critical moments, including when Ryback crashed himself through a table. As the match went on, Ryback punished Punk by throwing him numerous times into a ladder, which seemed to break apart. Back and forth, it was a game of cat and mouse, with Punk outsmarting Ryback. He hit a few nice kicks to Ryback's head, and then would hit a running knee. The timing and pace of the match is exactly what you need from two different opponents like we had tonight. Ryback was able to send Punk through a table to the outside and headed up the ladder. The lights went out, and The Shield attacked. They would end up throwing Ryback through a table that was placed on top of steel stairs. I know this was going to happen, and I even called it. They continue to attack Ryback and continue to stay in the main event spotlight.

My biggest problem with it all is that The Shield is too repetitive. Where is the creativity? They did this….AGAIN. They screwed Ryback…. AGAIN. With three men attacking guys like Ryback, Orton, and others, they are becoming too predictable. You need to keep them relevant in a way that does not get the crowd upset. Maybe they do not care what the crowd thinks? Maybe this is what is going to be of The Shield? They are too talented, and I hope this is not the case. Grade: B

The Rock and CM Punk Confrontation. Many people want to grade in on who won the battle of words. I am not going to do that because I think it is nonsense. You need two guys to make a segment work, not one. Cena and Rock were great because both were on, and I feel like Rock and Punk were on tonight. I loved that Punk laid another Pipe Bomb, including named like Tyson Kidd and Brodus Clay. He was so smart in his delivery and making sure the fans cheering him should not be doing so. He continued to bash the crowd and bash the way they act, and it was great. Many smart fans will try and cheer Punk over Rock, but WWE booked it very smart tonight. The Rock finally came out, three hours into the show, and delivered. There is a reason Rock does and says what he says. IT WORKS. IT HAS ALWAYS WORKED. You may hate that he is not serious all the time, but that is why he became so popular. People love to connect with a guy who is comical and who is an asskicker. Rock is just that guy. The speaking between the two was very great because Punk continued to be himself, while Rock never changed his ways. They are very different, yet very similar in their delivery. I was a big fan of the ending and think there is only up from here. Well done, to both men. Grade: A-

Raw Grade: B

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